Grease Pencil objects are a native part of Blender, integrating with existing object selection, editing, management, and linking tools. Strokes can be organized into layers, and shaded with materials and textures.
Besides a draw mode for strokes, these objects can also be edited, sculpted and weight painted similarly to meshes.Modifiers can be used to deform, generate and color strokes. Commonly used mesh modifiers such as array, subdivide and armature deform have equivalents for strokes. Rendering effects like blur, shadows or rim lighting are also available. Python APIBlender 2.80 is an API breaking release.
Add-ons and scripts will need to be updated, both to handle the new features and adapt to changes that make the API more consistent and reliable. Removed FeaturesA number of features that were no longer under active development or did not fit in the new design were removed. By removing the maintenance burden, developers can spend more time on new features and redesign the user interface and implementation to be more optimized. The render engine Blender Internal was removed, replaced by EEVEE, the new real-time engine.
The Blender Game Engine was removed. We recommend using more powerful, open source alternatives like. Dupliframes and slow parent were removed, as these are incompatible with the new dependency graph and never worked reliably in the old one. The Blender developer community is being supported by the organizational powers of Blender Foundation and its spin-off Blender Institute.
The people who work for the Foundation and Institute did a tremendous job to bring Blender is where is it nowadays.Special thanks goes to and, who funded 4 additional developers to work full-time on Blender 2.8 during the crucial 2017 period. This enabled us to work on the viewport, Eevee, collections/layers, UI and tools redesign.Thanks goes to everyone who contributed to the Code Quest, the massively successful 3 month workshop in Blender Institute during spring 2018.And we thank everyone who joined the Development Fund in 2nd half of 2018 and 2019.
This helped us to keep the core of Blender contributors together to work on 2.8.And last but not least: special thanks to the community – the developers, documenters, bug reporters and reviewers – it is thanks to them that we can start this wonderful new era of Blender 2.8x!
Is a complex piece of software that is capable of producing extremely high-quality visuals for all manner of visual art purposes, from video games to product visualization. Of course, that power needs to be wielded by a controlled hand. Otherwise, you'll end up with a mush of digital geometry that makes no sense at all.These days, video tutorials are the educational tool of choice for most people.
I'm going to give you five of the best free beginner video tutorials for Blender currently available. I recommend you watch all of them. They all cover a lot of the same information. However, every instructor has a different way of presenting. Stick with the one that clicks with you. 1.( Full disclosure: I moderate a forum that's currently maintained by CG Cookie.)CG Cookie's Blender Basics series of tutorials is the first place I send most people when they want to start familiarizing themselves with Blender.
I like the teaching style they use here. You get a quick overview of Blender and its interface. This series is often enough to get a person reasonably comfortable with the way Blender works, and it serves as a nice reference to look back if you ever find yourself getting lost. 2.The Blender Foundation has an excellent YouTube channel. Not only can you see talks from previous Blender Conferences and completed Open Movie projects, there's also a great Blender First Steps playlist. You might consider this to be the 'officially sanctioned' beginner tutorial series on Blender. There are 41 videos in this series, but they're all pretty short and get right to the point.
This might be your best quick-reference option. 3.If you're already familiar with the basic concepts of 3D graphics from another suite but you're new to Blender's way of doing things, I'd recommend the Blender Inside Out series available on the Blender Cloud. These are a great set of videos that can help anyone migrate from one of those other proprietary tools more smoothly.
4.It's my opinion that the folks over at CG Masters don't get enough love for the video tutorials they produce. As an example, they have a nice Blender Beginner series that does quite a nice job of getting you through the very first stages of Blender, including the installation process and a brief overview of the interface. If you need to start at the absolute beginning, this is probably where I'd point you to first.
5.And, of course, any list of Blender tutorials would be incomplete without mentioning the fine tutorials over at Blender Guru. The Blender Beginner set is really nice and takes a more project-based approach than a lot of the other tutorial series.
This is the infamous 'donut' tutorial series. Its nine parts start with a brief survey of the interface, then get right into the process of making a 3D model, texturing it, lighting it, and rendering it to an image you can share with folks.That's the rundown! Five very fantastic tutorial series that are sure to get you up and running with Blender so you can make your own very cool things in 3D. Did I miss any? What's your favorite Blender tutorial series? For more discussion on open source and the role of the CIO in the enterprise, join us at.The opinions expressed on this website are those of each author, not of the author's employer or of Red aspires to publish all content under a but may not be able to do so in all cases.
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