Ok, I'm stumped on an issue, and I can't tell if it's a bug or I'm failing at attacking. As I understand the phases order is airdrop-move-attack-deploy, with turn 1 having a pre-turn deploy.
For some reason I can't assign combat to infantry attacking by sea or airborne that dropped that turn. The system works if I am engaging enemies after I land, but otherwise they're unable to attack but hold up the turn because 'units required to be involved in combat this turn are still unassigned'.If I show units that must attack any adjacent German counters turn green, but my counters are unchanged. And I've tried everything I can think of to select the units and assign them to combat, but it tells me that there's no uncommitted defenders if I choose my own hex, and no available units can attack any other hex.Do you know what's going on here?. I'm sorry you're having issues. If the game is allowing you to get in a state that you're stuck that's a bug.I'm not really following your description. There is an invasion phase at the beginning of the first Allied turn which is the only turn that units can attack from the sea. As a note, a second invasion is available starting on week 9 through 16.When you assign an attack, as the Allied player you select the German hex you're attacking.
Avalon Hill Wargames
The hex must have adjacent Allied units in order for a combat to be assigned. But it sounds like you already figured this out.The thing that I don't understand in your description is that you list a deployment phase after combat. There is post combat movement in special circumstances but there is no phase after combat is complete.I've not hit something like this in testing.
I need to figure it out. Can you give me more information? Once again I'm sorry for the problems you're having. Sorry, messed up on my understanding of the phases and their order.I noticed something strange that also happens. The combat assignment appears to work for the first game I play.
I can assign seaborne divisions to attack the hex they're landing on in the invasion phase, and airborne divisions can assign in the drop phase. If I restart, however, I can't seem to get any of them to engage in their phase, or any other.If I select an enemy hex that should be attackable (adjacent friendlies have no combats they're part of), it tells me there's no available units to attack with. And I can't advance to the next phase because the enemy divisions in that hex are marked green when you 'show units that must attack'.Two other things I noticed that seem very problematic. First, after I assign combat in a hex I am unable to revise the combat. That also leads into me being unable to fix combat if I forget to target a hex on my frontline, which goes right back to me being unable to advance the turn.
Wow, sorry you're having so many issues.You list three issues here.When you say you restart, what does that mean? Are you re-loading the game from the start of the turn?My guess is that you're moving unts after you've assigned them to a combat. I thought I had fixed this a while back but I'll have to check.If you want to modify a combat you have to 'display all combats' and cancel the specific combat you want to modify. You can't edit a combat, you can only cancel it and then reassign.When you're in the combat phase you can assign a combat by clicking on the hex you want to attack. You can always assign more combats up until you start resolving combats at which point you can't assign any more. But it won't let you start resolving combats untill all required units have been assigned.I really appreciate your feedback. So you are looking strictly for computer games?Highly suggest that you look at these:The first was/is the publisher of a great many excellent, hard core wargames.
Recommend you look to the Panzer Campaigns series.The latter is the designer's break-out website. He continues to publish games, albeit at a slower rate, as they have already covered so much of the European/African fronts already.These companies update their UI and all updates are always available for free.The AI is fairly good, but I prefer to play people.
If you are looking for opponents for online wargames, including - but not limited to - the Panzer Campaigns series, then I also recommend that you look to, which is an online wargaming club. I have found many, MANY opponents there.Cheers,David. I've tried the John Tiller titles.
Avalon Hill Pc Wargames
I enjoy them but I still like the Avalon Hill games. I think because they focus more on the game play rather than historical simulation. I understand the attraction of an accurate simulation but there are times I just want to play a war game without worrying about the tread wear on the soles of my infantry's shoes.I also think that capturing the board game directly provides for a better introduction to the genre. For people who haven't played before starting out with even the John Tiller titles can be daunting not to mention something like War in the West.It sounds like you're a hard core war gamer so I'm assuming you aren't interested in this level of game. I would encourage you to try it, though, I was shocked with how much I enjoyed playing it again once I got it done.